[IMAGE] ADAM CURRY QUITS MTV ========================================================================== May 11 25 1994 _EMail sent to me regarding my resignation is here._ ========================================================================== Read about MTV's lawsuit against me here ========================================================================== _April 25 1994_ I made a very important decision today, as I was driving to the MTV studios in New York to tape the Top 20 Countdown, I thought about how the world around me has been changing so rapidly, and how I have been an integral part of a lot of that with this site on the net. The net is surpassing all traditional media, with it's ever increasing global audience, the power is unlimited, and it's in the hands of the people, finally! I felt totally wrong being part of such a revolution, if I may call it that, by at the same time, still clinging on to an icon of the 80's...a video channel that really hasn't had much of the "M" in it's name lately. And I found myself intro-ing Beavis an d Butthead, and other "comedy" shows. So I taped almost all of the Top 20 countdown, and announced that I was quitting right before the #1 video. I'm going to devote most, if not all of my time now to the net, and my site on it, and to the expansion of this new frontier. In the past 6 and a half years that I worked at MTV, I grew into a "family" of production peple, who I will miss dearly, but at the same time I am making literally hundreds of new aquaintances daily in cyber-space. For prosterity's sake, my final show airs Friday (April 22) at 8pm and again on Saturday at 10am. You're going to see alot of major improvements to our site (including the name) in the next couple of weeks, and all suggestions are very welcome, this is your place on the net too. Keep The Vibe Alive. Adam Curry adam@mtv.com _______________________________________________________________________________ I-Quit!, Adam Curry